Services for Children
As a professional who is passionate about the care of children, I can empathise with all concerns that parents have. I have been working with children for 10 years.
I have training with many popular programmes including ABA as a tutor, Hanen, Lámh, Kaufman and more…
I work closely with all involved in the development of children, giving homework and arranging teaming meeting on a regular basis.
Reference from school on request.
I am experienced to practice in all of the following areas:
I have training with many popular programmes including ABA as a tutor, Hanen, Lámh, Kaufman and more…
I work closely with all involved in the development of children, giving homework and arranging teaming meeting on a regular basis.
Reference from school on request.
I am experienced to practice in all of the following areas:
- Autism
- Dyspraxia
- Developmental Language Delay
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Down's Syndrome- and other chromosomal disorders
- Learning Difficulties
- Speech Delays
- Selective Mutism
- Sensory Processing Disorder